Thursday 25 August 2016

Top 3 IDEs You Must Consider For Drupal Development

As an expert, you must be more productive. Being productive means not making mistakes, writing exceptional and easy understanding of codes. Using refined IDEs (integrated development environments) are more helpful to carry out this responsible task in an easier and quicker way. But, before selecting a perfect IDE, you need to consider many aspects.

If you have an extensive experience in software development and looking for a perfect IDE for your Drupal assignment, then choosing a Drupal based IDE can significantly increase the speed and the nature of output. The best part of using specific an IDE is that, it can reduce some of the common programming errors made by professionals when doing development using the Drupal content management system. Some of the crucial benefits of IDEs are as follows:

  • Highlights syntax for great readability
  • Offers great support for coding
  • It helps to find out the bugs in the written code and more …

Here is the list of top 3 IDEs used by Drupal Development Company India for Drupal development.

1. Eclipse PDT: Eclipse PDT is one of the most popular, and an open source IDE for Drupal environment. It offers a PHP IDE framework for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment.


  • Easy to install and great support to adjust everything. 
  • Available with a powerful source code editor.
  • It has ultimate features including code folding, configurable syntax colouring and more.


  • Unable to run PHP Unit tests
  • Its performance is little slow, especially when you want to refresh a page.

2. NetBeans: If you're looking for a business driven IDE with the finest version control, then NetBeans is exactly what you need. It is free to use and loaded with some amazing features including syntax highlighting, re-factoring, and so on.


  • It has a polished and eye-catching user interface. 
  • Great support and suggestions for code development. 
  • It allows unit testing. 


  • It is quite slow in terms of autocompletion and project monitoring. 
  • If you want to use advanced tools of the NetBeans IDE, then you need extensive training. 

3. Komodo Edit: It is truly impressive to keep Drupal coding clean via its syntax checking feature. Additional features of this IDE is code-intelligence, version control, unit testing, and more. 


  • It is one of the best syntax checker. 
  • It provides extensive auto-completion function for PHP and Drupal environment. 


  • It works slowly when you are willing to load a new file system. 
  • Working with Komodo Edit can be complicated in comparison to other available lightweight IDEs.

Conclusion: Selecting an IDE for hire Drupal development company can help you significantly, and reduce your development time. But, choosing the right IDE might be the mind boggling. Each of the aforementioned IDEs has a few pros and cons, and so make sure to find out the best that best suit your development needs.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Top 4 Ingredients For a Brilliant Magento Platform development

It is essential to have an unprecedented site that can help in accomplishing higher conversions and customer engagement even in this competitive business environment. Moreover, it is not a concealed fact that each site is developed for the similar business objectives which makes this race much more troublesome than before. If you have a Magento site, then it is the need of a competitive era to make it exceptional and unbeatable from the existing lot of Magento sites.

There should be sure site components that can easily grab the attention of your prospective customers. A simple looking Magento site might be unable to emerge victorious, and offer you the required results. If you are figuring out how to make your site more engaging, you need to investigate all these significant ingredients of a Magento development service that can make your Magento site sell like samosa with sauce.

 1. Enticing UI and incredible customer experience on your site- Engaging interface and user friendly navigation on your site can do miraculous things, and you are able to grab the quick attention of your targeted visitors. It is vital to offer an intuitive client experience, and navigation around your Magneto store for getting more conversions.

2. Accessibility of various intuitive themes: Themes are the components that can drastically impact the execution and usability of a Magento based online store. For the sole purpose of enhancing the execution and performance of your Magento site, you need to have the professional assistance of  the Magento development organization like WebMeIndia for getting different interactive themes and tools for your Magento store.

3. Support of a SEO friendly URL:The URL of a webpage is an imperative component that can help in ranking your site on internet among millions of in the web world. However, your site will be viably listed by the web index crawlers if its URL is SEO oriented. Without having an incredible place on different search engine result pages , you can't earn higher conversions and sales for your online store. The indexing of a site plays a pivotal role in its higher online presence and perceivability which  influences to a great extent by the URL of the site.

4. Viable Opportunity of Site Customization-With the progression of time, it is the basic need of an online business to roll out required improvements on its site to comprehend customer concerns. To perform this task in a consistent way, you need to hire Magento eCommerce developers from a reputed Magento service provider that can help you with their best possible efforts and dedication. With the assistance of professional Magento service provider you can accomplish the desired functionality and customized features in your site without burning your pocket.