Saturday 30 July 2016

Top 6 Lightweight & Flexible PHP CMS

It is really difficult to use the CMS with PHP and MySQL, as you have to plan the structure of the CMS, its concept, design, theme, and future opportunities. As it is complicated, it is better to use the off-the-shelf CMS. Even if you hire PHP Web Development Company for this work, they also need CMS to management your website. Here are some of the most Lightweight & Flexible PHP CMS, which surely help you for the management of your website.

1. Anchor CMS

Anchor CMS is an open sources platform with a simple UI. It is quite easy to install. As it is compatible with various features, it supports Markdown editor, multi languages, custom field, and simple theming.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.3.6+
  • Database: MySQL 5.2+
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes

 2. Pico CMS

Another most simple CMS is Pico. Instead of backend, it has a plugin for edit purpose. As it doesn't use any database queries, it performs really fast. It is totally compatible with Markdown formatting and twig templates.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.2.4+
  • Database: No. Flat file CMS.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes

 3. Bolt

Bolt is one of the finest tools for Content Management, which is simple and straightforward to use. It is easy to install and set up and gets quickly configured, as well as uses various elegant templates. With Bolt, you can easily use the modern Open Source libraries. Mostly, it is used to build HTML5 sites with modern markup.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.3.2+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes

 4. Monstra

Monstra is complete a light-weight Content Management System, which is created in PHP. It has a wide number of plugins that can easily download to use.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.2.3+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes. Plugin Repository

5. Wolf CMS

In the list, Wolf is the most advance CMS. It has a huge range of plugins. Moreover, it is compatible for flexible page content, per page customization, and reusable snippets.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes. Plugin Repository

6. Pyro CMS

Pyro CMS is specially designed for creating a variety of websites and web-enabled applications. It is usable for everyone, such as individuals, small businesses, medium-sized businesses, and large organizations. Moreover, for the users convenience, it has a multisite manager and various powerful add-ons.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: No.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Why A WordPress Based Website is Preferred Over A Static HTML Website

Designing HTML websites with a static core is an outdated approach. Unlike this traditional approach of designing and developing websites, HTML to WordPress conversion is in trend at present. The main hindrances and glitches with earlier registered HTML websites was the static look and the script, written in HTML frameworks and slower loading of websites. To resolve this issue, website designer and developers came up with an advanced HTML to WordPress conversion technique.

Converting the static HTML website into a dynamic WordPress platform offers a large pool of benefits. Gone are the days, when WordPress platform was used only for the sole purpose of blogging. Now, WordPress can be used effectively in the website development. Hire WordPress Developers India to make your business site robust, reliable and omnipresent, and offer the ultimate experience to the your website visitors.

Why WordPress based websites are more preferred in comparison to Static HTML website:

1. Dynamic: WordPress websites are easy to develop, alter and can manage as well, effectively. It has been specially created for publishing purposes with various functions integrated in the platform, which makes it dynamic at the same time.

2. Easy to Use: WordPress is really an exceptional content management system, offers multiple plugins and eye catching themes that make the website development task much easier. Themes provide an incredible look to the websites and plugins. This is the reason behind, why rookies are more inclined towards the power of WordPress.

3. SEO-Oriented: WordPress has been developed to embrace major search engines. The unique features of WordPress guide search engines from published posts & constant updates, and ultimately  search engine crawl your site and collect the required information. Additionally, the benefit of this platform is that, it can get the higher rankings over the search engines easily comparing the sites developed over  another platform.

4. Huge Community of Professionals: It is an open-source and the users keep on contributing to the platform. Innovative developers also keep on releasing latest updates that help users remain updated with the new advancements in the real WordPress world. Thus, the constant contribution from the WordPress professionals make it an exceptional experience for rookies to get involved with WordPress. The vibrant contribution of the thousands of people from all across the sphere has helped this content management system grow bigger and bigger every single day.

Having a myriad benefits of this platform, selecting to this full fledged and world accepted platform is always a win win situation for you. Today in this competitive business scenario, having a dynamic WordPress website can be the finest solution for your running an online business to effectively grow in the current arena.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

6 Leading Magento Extensions and Their Benefits

When it comes to developing an effective eCommerce website, Magento has always been the first choice of all business persons as well as Magento eCommerce Developers India. It is an open-source eCommerce platform, which has a well-organized & user friendly tools to speed up the performance of a site, thereby enhancing its productivity. It provides an excellent user engagement and smooth navigation, which increases the product sale and help to generate a good revenue. As it is the best CMS for eCommerce websites, you can easily add on various extensions to your website. It includes various amazing features that make your eCommerce site more productive. Here are some of the best Magento extensions that perform well with almost all the eCommerce stores.

1. XML Sitemaps

The XML Sitemap is one of the best Magento extensions when it comes to providing a sitemap for the online store. As an XML file, it helps to increase the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results. This extension displays the links in a specific order for various search engines like Google, Bing, etc., which streamline the crawling and indexing process. Additionally, if your site has more than 50,000 URLs, you can easily develop multiple Sitemaps through this extension.

2. WordPress Integration

WordPress Integration is one of the important Magento extensions that is developed by FishPig. It is used for linking the WordPress blog with the Magento eCommerce website or Magento store. Moreover, it is totally compatible with Magento Professional, Magento Community Edition and Magento Enterprise. When it comes to languages, the WordPress Integration supports a wide list of languages, including English, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Italian, German, French, Chinese, and Brazilian, etc., which makes it the most popular extension among a large number of people across the world.

3. Optimizely

Optimizely is a valuable Magento extension which is developed by Blue Acorn in collaboration with Optimizely company, an organization that develops optimization software for various companies. Optimizely extension provides an opportunity to its users, to watchover on conversions, clicks, engagements, and sign ups, etc., of their website regularly. Its aim is to simplify the integration between a conversion optimization software and Magento platform.

4. Moo CloudZoom

With the help of Moo CloudZoom extension, you can easily create an effective and flawless zoom movement on your eCommerce website or store. Even with this you can specify the dimensions and position of the zoom window, mention the opacity of the lens, as well as can reflect and hide the title of the zoom window. Once you start using this extension, your Magento’s actual image gallery will be replaced by the cloudZoom widget.

5. Multiple Select in Layered Navigation

The Multiple Select in Layered Navigation is an excellent Magento extension that is used to enhance the navigation of an eCommerce store. As it simplifies the store navigation, the customers can easily use multiple values while filtering a product. This highly user-friendly Magento extension comes free of cost.

6. Magento Product Video Extension

With the help of Magento Product Video Extension, you can easily upload a video to your Magento store product page from various sources, such as YouTube, PC, etc.