Monday 30 May 2016

What To Expect From The Web Design & Development Process - WebMeIndia

As more and more businesses are switching towards websites, the business owners are looking for the most compelling and interactive websites for their businesses. They have become more curious about the web designing and development process. Here are some general steps that a business owner should expect from the website development process.

  • Research, Goals & Planning
  • Sitemaps
  • Wireframes
  • Design
  • Development

1. Research, Goals & Planning

Before developing a website, or redesign a website, the developer should have a clear goal about the website, and should completely understand the client's requirements and what all is necessary to include on a web site.

Initially, it is essential that you plan your website and set the goals. A proper planning will be helpful and profitable for your organization. But the major question arises that how will a website help in achieving this goal. The answer is: an eCommerce site that sells the products. But, many of the companies have a website, which is not closes a sale, as it just supports the sales process. So it is essential to think and  plan about what type of messages and content will help you to move a sale forward.

Although, the planning and research include developing, editing or organizing content. But, when it comes to research, it includes bigger branding work, where you need to examine competitors, consider target audiences, and brand positioning in the market. Before developing a website, just make sure why the visitors will come to your site, and what information they may look for.

2. Sitemap

The second important step is Sitemap. After gathering all the information regarding the goals, message, content and brand for the website, put all of them together in a sitemap. But, why a sitemap is essential? It is an organizational chart through which all the content on a website is organized, like a flowchart. Through a sitemap, you can plainly manage the organization information on the web, which can be easily understood by the visitors. Although, the visitors do not like the feeling of being confused and frustrated, so they always prefer a well-organized site, that have clear navigation, as well as logically organized content that is easy to explore.

3. Wireframes

Although, Sitemap can manage the information of the entire website. But, wireframes are used to organize information of one page, at a time. Just like blueprints, a wireframes defines the placement of content within a page. However, this can be an implied comparison because a blueprint is meant to be strictly followed, but wireframes are often more loosely created. Moreover, the wireframes show all the kind of content on a page. Although, all the types of content is important, but it may or may not show the actual position and size of items.

4. Design

Another essential step is Design. The web design should be selected on the basis of client's requirement. Depends upon the state of the brand identity, the web design should be selected. Whether, it's a new company website or redesigning of the existing client website, an innovative design will always help to get a strong brand identity and unique online presence.

5. Development

Once, the design gets approved from client side, the web development process gets started. If a website is based on Photoshop, it will be developed in HTML and CSS, or if it's more focused on content, it will be developed in WordPress. As WordPress has a Content Management System (CMS), it will help to build the sites with complete design control and user-friendly.


The above steps will help you to know the systematic web design and development process that one should follow at the time of making a website. Also, these steps will help you to get the customized design and development solution for your website. A large number of web design developers India are following these important steps to systematic their process and maximize their output. 

Tuesday 10 May 2016

5 Reasons to Hire Dedicated PHP Developers in India - WebMeIndia

When it comes to the business establishment, whether small or medium-sized, everyone wants to have a strong online presence, which is somehow the most important things for them. For this, it is really important that the businesses have a unique, informative and interesting website for their company online presence to attract a large number of clients.

PHP has become the most preferred language for the web development in the last few years. As it has potential to create the most unique web applications with different nature, it is the most preferred choices of business holders. Even, PHP is one of the dynamic virtual platforms that can solve complex business challenges, efficiently. It is the main reason by companies prefer to hire PHP developers India, as they are dedicated and enthusatic towards their work.

Here are the 5 main reasons which explain, why should you need to hire a dedicated PHP developer for your business:

1. Cost Efficiency

A budget plays an important role for any business establishment and development. That's why it is the most essential thing for the business owners, which make them to hire dedicated and talented PHP developers.

In comparison, hiring the website and PHP developers from offshore areas can reduce the development cost up to 75%, by hiring the developers from the western countries. When it comes to the quality of work, there will be no compromise as there are some of the finest website programmers in Asian countries, which have deep knowledge in PHP development and provides reliable services.

2. Flexibility

Flexibility is another reason that business owners consider while hiring a PHP developer. It provides ability to perform, as any task or project can be given to the dedicated PHP developer, and there is  no need to get a quote for each separate task. Although, time estimation is important, but there is no need to waste precious time for exchanging emails, and to discuss price quotes.

3. Easy to Hire

As there are a large number of efficient and dedicated PHP developers are available in the market, it is quite easy to find and hire the best among them. Also, there are a wide number of web development companies, which offer their web and PHP programmers to clients on weekly, hourly or monthly booking basis.

4. Dedicated Developer

In the current scenario, the clients are quite concerned about their money, which has increased the demand of quality work in the market. The web development companies know this very well, that's why they offer trustworthy, knowledgeable and dedicated web developers for hiring on flexible terms. Hiring such talented developer may result in a great benefit for creating an effective web presence on time and on budget.

5. Expertise

If we talk about the PHP development, it is not simple at all that anyone can do it. It requires a deep knowledge and skill in PHP language. Therefore, hiring a dedicated PHP developer in the organization fulfill the lack of expertise in PHP. With the necessary expertise and experience, a great PHP developer will make your web presence more productive, efficient and effective.


The above reasons will help you to select the best PHP developer for your business. If you are looking for outsourcing development services, you can Hire PHP Developers India, as they are skillful and experienced, and believe in developing the valuable business websites for the client's project.