Sunday 2 October 2016

Migrate to CakePHP 3.0 for Agile Development

CakePHP is a well-known framework for PHP development and since its release, it has brought several   enhancements and new versions with additional features to make it better and more adaptive. Now, the CakePHP developers have additional potential with the Alpha release of CakePHP 3.0.

A short note to understand CakePHP

CakePHP is an extensive and widely used framework for PHP development, as it makes web development faster, lighter, cost-effective and requires less coding to the development of certain functions, and supports MVC (Model View Controller) architecture.

Let us find out, What's new in the CakePHP 3.0?

Here's the list of the latest changes and new features that CakePHP 3.0 carries:

1. Better Performance: CakePHP 3.0 has become better and have several performance enhancements incorporated into the code generation, flexible routing, improved compatibility of Bootstrap and CSS libraries, to generate templates.

2. Enhanced Features: In this latest version, some existing functions have been replaced with new ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) approach and improved functionality. It is also bundled with amazing features to improve the redundancy & make it more productive and accessible for developers, it also helps programmers to write codes faster.

3. Better Support: CakePHP Version 3.0 is also incorporated with an advanced support system and help in “Flash Messaging” with its new “Flash Helper” and “Flash Component”. It also consists an improved CookieComponent that can separately manage the cookie data and offer the users to separately manage the configuration of the cookies.

4. Powerful Session Management: In CakePHP environment, static class in session management is always a hurdle for developers in different ways while implementing. But version 3 makes it easier and lets you access the session from the request object $this->request->session().

5. Robust Debugging Toolbar: Debugging kit gets refurbished in version 3.0 and has more features for debugging your developed application. The new debugging tool can be installed dynamically in the latest version of the CakePHP module .

6. Improved Migrations: An improved and outstanding migration plugin supported by Phinx allows you to easily make and distribute migrations for your application. Migrations have become easier and less complex as compared to the previous versions.

Minimum requirements for the CakePHP are:

  • PHP 5.4.16 or greater.
  • mbstring extension
  • intl extension

Conclusion: When it comes to the latest version of the CakePHP 3.0, it has multiple enhancements and dynamic features. CakePHP development Services has the ability to make your business website exceptional that enables you to drive your business smoothly even in today's cutting throat scenario.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

5 Essential Tips To Help You Select The Right IT Outsourcing Company

The increased demand for the website design and development services have enhanced the demand of IT outsourcing companies in the market. The major issues comes, when an organization has to search for the best outsourcing firm for their IT projects. Selecting the right IT outsourcing firm is really a difficult process. To overcome from this problem, here are the 5 steps that help you to find the right IT outsourcing firm for your business:

1. Assure With Your Outsourcing Objective

From the initial stage, you should define your project goals, clear with the work opportunities, tasks to be given for the outsourcing, and the expected result from this experience. For this, make sure your objectives are clearly defined, and find out the firms who are interested in meeting those expectations.

2. Make a Background Check

Once you start your search for an IT outsourcing firm, look for ones who have already worked on similar projects as well as have a powerful reputation in the market. Also, to make sure about their experience and qualifications, make a deep background check on their team members and management and get an idea whether they fit into your requirements or not. Additionally, ask for work samples and client references from the firms that help in evaluating the quality of the services, reliability and time efficiency.

3. Communication is Key

A good communication is always a base for building a good relationship, and this is one you need to build with an IT outsourcing firm. While considering an IT outsourcing firm, initially explain your professional requirements to them, and if they able to clearly communicate back, you can move further with them.

4. Define Who Owns the Project

Since, from the beginning of the project, clearly define “who owns what”. This will become a base for communication and the relationship with the IT outsourcing firm. Keep in mind that while customizing the outsourced work, Intellectual Property (IP) of the project should remain with you.

5. Make a Quality Infrastructure Check

The information safety and platform security are essential for successful operations. So, make sure that the firms have accreditation and competency certificates. Compare all the firm's certificates and select which one is right for you.


The IT outsourcing firm that you select for your project should be a partner, not just a service provider. So, it is essential that you and your partners have a good mutual understanding and work towards a common goal of developing high-quality work. With the help of the above mentioned  tips, you can surely find out the finest IT outsourcing company for your project. Although there are many companies in the market who provides the web development services India, but with the selection process, you can compare various IT outsourcing firms, and can select the one that suits you best.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Top 5 PHP Frameworks that can be utilized by Developers

No doubt, PHP is one of the most preferred server-side scripting language in web development world. In the present competitive scenario, developers want to develop complex websites and web apps. After a certain level of complexity it can take too much time & additional efforts, therefore web developers need a more structured way of web development. Blessed with multiple frameworks, PHP is the finest solution for such cutting edge technological requirements.

Highly innovative and expert professionals at  PHP web Development India, carefully selected 7 most popular PHP frameworks that can facilitate and streamline the finest process of back-end web development:

1. Laravel: 

Released in the year 2011, it became one of the most demanding frameworks among web developers as well as site owners. It has an extensive ecosystem with the jaw dropping features of an instant hosting and deployment options. Loaded with myriad features, it can develop applications quickly. 

2. Symfony: 

The extraordinary elements of the Symfony 2 framework are already used by various stunning projects such as the Drupal content management system and the PHPBB forum software. This platform is also supported by a wide developer community. Reusable libraries of the PHP elements are useful in completing multiple tasks like form creation, object configuration, routing, authentication, templating, and more.

3. CodeIgniter: 

It is a lightweight PHP framework, initially released in 2006. The simple installation process of CodeIgniter framework requires only a basic configuration of PCs and save your precious time and expensive hardware requirements. It’s truly an ideal option, if you are facing PHP version issues. CodeIgniter supports almost all the shared and dedicated hosting platforms effectively. 

4. Yii 2: 

Boost the website performance with the additional power of Yii 2. It’s comparatively faster than other available PHP frameworks. It is totally object-oriented, and based on DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) coding rule. It can introduce logical code base and beautiful web development services for you.

5. Phalcon: 

Although, it was released in 2012, but quickly gained great popularity among PHP professionals. Phalcon was written and structured in C and C++ to gain the biggest level of performance and speed. The best part of this framework is that  you don’t need to understand the basics of the C language, as the core functionality is developed as PHP classes that are prepared to use for any sort of application development.

This framework is also loaded with many cool features and benefits including a universal auto-loader, asset handling, security development, language query, caching, and more. As it’s a well-formulated and easy to manage platform, it’s definitely a good decision to give it a try in your web development needs.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Top 3 IDEs You Must Consider For Drupal Development

As an expert, you must be more productive. Being productive means not making mistakes, writing exceptional and easy understanding of codes. Using refined IDEs (integrated development environments) are more helpful to carry out this responsible task in an easier and quicker way. But, before selecting a perfect IDE, you need to consider many aspects.

If you have an extensive experience in software development and looking for a perfect IDE for your Drupal assignment, then choosing a Drupal based IDE can significantly increase the speed and the nature of output. The best part of using specific an IDE is that, it can reduce some of the common programming errors made by professionals when doing development using the Drupal content management system. Some of the crucial benefits of IDEs are as follows:

  • Highlights syntax for great readability
  • Offers great support for coding
  • It helps to find out the bugs in the written code and more …

Here is the list of top 3 IDEs used by Drupal Development Company India for Drupal development.

1. Eclipse PDT: Eclipse PDT is one of the most popular, and an open source IDE for Drupal environment. It offers a PHP IDE framework for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment.


  • Easy to install and great support to adjust everything. 
  • Available with a powerful source code editor.
  • It has ultimate features including code folding, configurable syntax colouring and more.


  • Unable to run PHP Unit tests
  • Its performance is little slow, especially when you want to refresh a page.

2. NetBeans: If you're looking for a business driven IDE with the finest version control, then NetBeans is exactly what you need. It is free to use and loaded with some amazing features including syntax highlighting, re-factoring, and so on.


  • It has a polished and eye-catching user interface. 
  • Great support and suggestions for code development. 
  • It allows unit testing. 


  • It is quite slow in terms of autocompletion and project monitoring. 
  • If you want to use advanced tools of the NetBeans IDE, then you need extensive training. 

3. Komodo Edit: It is truly impressive to keep Drupal coding clean via its syntax checking feature. Additional features of this IDE is code-intelligence, version control, unit testing, and more. 


  • It is one of the best syntax checker. 
  • It provides extensive auto-completion function for PHP and Drupal environment. 


  • It works slowly when you are willing to load a new file system. 
  • Working with Komodo Edit can be complicated in comparison to other available lightweight IDEs.

Conclusion: Selecting an IDE for hire Drupal development company can help you significantly, and reduce your development time. But, choosing the right IDE might be the mind boggling. Each of the aforementioned IDEs has a few pros and cons, and so make sure to find out the best that best suit your development needs.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Top 4 Ingredients For a Brilliant Magento Platform development

It is essential to have an unprecedented site that can help in accomplishing higher conversions and customer engagement even in this competitive business environment. Moreover, it is not a concealed fact that each site is developed for the similar business objectives which makes this race much more troublesome than before. If you have a Magento site, then it is the need of a competitive era to make it exceptional and unbeatable from the existing lot of Magento sites.

There should be sure site components that can easily grab the attention of your prospective customers. A simple looking Magento site might be unable to emerge victorious, and offer you the required results. If you are figuring out how to make your site more engaging, you need to investigate all these significant ingredients of a Magento development service that can make your Magento site sell like samosa with sauce.

 1. Enticing UI and incredible customer experience on your site- Engaging interface and user friendly navigation on your site can do miraculous things, and you are able to grab the quick attention of your targeted visitors. It is vital to offer an intuitive client experience, and navigation around your Magneto store for getting more conversions.

2. Accessibility of various intuitive themes: Themes are the components that can drastically impact the execution and usability of a Magento based online store. For the sole purpose of enhancing the execution and performance of your Magento site, you need to have the professional assistance of  the Magento development organization like WebMeIndia for getting different interactive themes and tools for your Magento store.

3. Support of a SEO friendly URL:The URL of a webpage is an imperative component that can help in ranking your site on internet among millions of in the web world. However, your site will be viably listed by the web index crawlers if its URL is SEO oriented. Without having an incredible place on different search engine result pages , you can't earn higher conversions and sales for your online store. The indexing of a site plays a pivotal role in its higher online presence and perceivability which  influences to a great extent by the URL of the site.

4. Viable Opportunity of Site Customization-With the progression of time, it is the basic need of an online business to roll out required improvements on its site to comprehend customer concerns. To perform this task in a consistent way, you need to hire Magento eCommerce developers from a reputed Magento service provider that can help you with their best possible efforts and dedication. With the assistance of professional Magento service provider you can accomplish the desired functionality and customized features in your site without burning your pocket.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Top 6 Lightweight & Flexible PHP CMS

It is really difficult to use the CMS with PHP and MySQL, as you have to plan the structure of the CMS, its concept, design, theme, and future opportunities. As it is complicated, it is better to use the off-the-shelf CMS. Even if you hire PHP Web Development Company for this work, they also need CMS to management your website. Here are some of the most Lightweight & Flexible PHP CMS, which surely help you for the management of your website.

1. Anchor CMS

Anchor CMS is an open sources platform with a simple UI. It is quite easy to install. As it is compatible with various features, it supports Markdown editor, multi languages, custom field, and simple theming.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.3.6+
  • Database: MySQL 5.2+
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes

 2. Pico CMS

Another most simple CMS is Pico. Instead of backend, it has a plugin for edit purpose. As it doesn't use any database queries, it performs really fast. It is totally compatible with Markdown formatting and twig templates.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.2.4+
  • Database: No. Flat file CMS.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes

 3. Bolt

Bolt is one of the finest tools for Content Management, which is simple and straightforward to use. It is easy to install and set up and gets quickly configured, as well as uses various elegant templates. With Bolt, you can easily use the modern Open Source libraries. Mostly, it is used to build HTML5 sites with modern markup.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.3.2+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes

 4. Monstra

Monstra is complete a light-weight Content Management System, which is created in PHP. It has a wide number of plugins that can easily download to use.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.2.3+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes. Plugin Repository

5. Wolf CMS

In the list, Wolf is the most advance CMS. It has a huge range of plugins. Moreover, it is compatible for flexible page content, per page customization, and reusable snippets.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes. Plugin Repository

6. Pyro CMS

Pyro CMS is specially designed for creating a variety of websites and web-enabled applications. It is usable for everyone, such as individuals, small businesses, medium-sized businesses, and large organizations. Moreover, for the users convenience, it has a multisite manager and various powerful add-ons.
  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: No.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Why A WordPress Based Website is Preferred Over A Static HTML Website

Designing HTML websites with a static core is an outdated approach. Unlike this traditional approach of designing and developing websites, HTML to WordPress conversion is in trend at present. The main hindrances and glitches with earlier registered HTML websites was the static look and the script, written in HTML frameworks and slower loading of websites. To resolve this issue, website designer and developers came up with an advanced HTML to WordPress conversion technique.

Converting the static HTML website into a dynamic WordPress platform offers a large pool of benefits. Gone are the days, when WordPress platform was used only for the sole purpose of blogging. Now, WordPress can be used effectively in the website development. Hire WordPress Developers India to make your business site robust, reliable and omnipresent, and offer the ultimate experience to the your website visitors.

Why WordPress based websites are more preferred in comparison to Static HTML website:

1. Dynamic: WordPress websites are easy to develop, alter and can manage as well, effectively. It has been specially created for publishing purposes with various functions integrated in the platform, which makes it dynamic at the same time.

2. Easy to Use: WordPress is really an exceptional content management system, offers multiple plugins and eye catching themes that make the website development task much easier. Themes provide an incredible look to the websites and plugins. This is the reason behind, why rookies are more inclined towards the power of WordPress.

3. SEO-Oriented: WordPress has been developed to embrace major search engines. The unique features of WordPress guide search engines from published posts & constant updates, and ultimately  search engine crawl your site and collect the required information. Additionally, the benefit of this platform is that, it can get the higher rankings over the search engines easily comparing the sites developed over  another platform.

4. Huge Community of Professionals: It is an open-source and the users keep on contributing to the platform. Innovative developers also keep on releasing latest updates that help users remain updated with the new advancements in the real WordPress world. Thus, the constant contribution from the WordPress professionals make it an exceptional experience for rookies to get involved with WordPress. The vibrant contribution of the thousands of people from all across the sphere has helped this content management system grow bigger and bigger every single day.

Having a myriad benefits of this platform, selecting to this full fledged and world accepted platform is always a win win situation for you. Today in this competitive business scenario, having a dynamic WordPress website can be the finest solution for your running an online business to effectively grow in the current arena.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

6 Leading Magento Extensions and Their Benefits

When it comes to developing an effective eCommerce website, Magento has always been the first choice of all business persons as well as Magento eCommerce Developers India. It is an open-source eCommerce platform, which has a well-organized & user friendly tools to speed up the performance of a site, thereby enhancing its productivity. It provides an excellent user engagement and smooth navigation, which increases the product sale and help to generate a good revenue. As it is the best CMS for eCommerce websites, you can easily add on various extensions to your website. It includes various amazing features that make your eCommerce site more productive. Here are some of the best Magento extensions that perform well with almost all the eCommerce stores.

1. XML Sitemaps

The XML Sitemap is one of the best Magento extensions when it comes to providing a sitemap for the online store. As an XML file, it helps to increase the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results. This extension displays the links in a specific order for various search engines like Google, Bing, etc., which streamline the crawling and indexing process. Additionally, if your site has more than 50,000 URLs, you can easily develop multiple Sitemaps through this extension.

2. WordPress Integration

WordPress Integration is one of the important Magento extensions that is developed by FishPig. It is used for linking the WordPress blog with the Magento eCommerce website or Magento store. Moreover, it is totally compatible with Magento Professional, Magento Community Edition and Magento Enterprise. When it comes to languages, the WordPress Integration supports a wide list of languages, including English, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Italian, German, French, Chinese, and Brazilian, etc., which makes it the most popular extension among a large number of people across the world.

3. Optimizely

Optimizely is a valuable Magento extension which is developed by Blue Acorn in collaboration with Optimizely company, an organization that develops optimization software for various companies. Optimizely extension provides an opportunity to its users, to watchover on conversions, clicks, engagements, and sign ups, etc., of their website regularly. Its aim is to simplify the integration between a conversion optimization software and Magento platform.

4. Moo CloudZoom

With the help of Moo CloudZoom extension, you can easily create an effective and flawless zoom movement on your eCommerce website or store. Even with this you can specify the dimensions and position of the zoom window, mention the opacity of the lens, as well as can reflect and hide the title of the zoom window. Once you start using this extension, your Magento’s actual image gallery will be replaced by the cloudZoom widget.

5. Multiple Select in Layered Navigation

The Multiple Select in Layered Navigation is an excellent Magento extension that is used to enhance the navigation of an eCommerce store. As it simplifies the store navigation, the customers can easily use multiple values while filtering a product. This highly user-friendly Magento extension comes free of cost.

6. Magento Product Video Extension

With the help of Magento Product Video Extension, you can easily upload a video to your Magento store product page from various sources, such as YouTube, PC, etc.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Why Service Sector Websites Will See A Revolutionary Rise In 2016?

When it comes to the online world, immense numbers of businesses are embellishing it, but the service marketplace has been climbing in the economy since its beginning. Moreover,  as the most desirable business models, this on-demand service marketplace is in demand among the entrepreneurs’ community. Through this post, we will discuss why this business platform will be one of the the most popular in the year 2016.

Concept of Online Service Marketplace

As a modern aeon business, the service marketplace has come up with huge services that professionals require to fulfill their chores in todays fast-moving world. With this concept, service seekers can directly connect with the professional for the specified local services like automobile services, electrical works, plumbing, home services, wedding services, etc.

Although, considering the market requirements, as well as the regular need of such kinds of local service professionals for completing the daily works, it is the most situable timing for the  entrepreneurs to get into a local service-based marketplace and own their business in this.

Solid Grounds for the Rise of Service Marketplace

Not only the rise of the service marketplace, but there are various other aspects which need to discuss here. For justifying the success of a service marketplace, here are the three-dimensional views or the reasons for it.

1. Service Seekers’ Side

Despite of having busy schedules, the service seekers are able to get finished all their daily chores, with the support of this valuable service marketplace platform. Within a few moments, they can find out and select their required professional to fulfill their needs. Moreover, they get many options of professionals for any services, where they can select the best ones for them.

Also, this service marketplace platform provides flexibility to service seekers for choosing the service providers based on their qualifications, experience, affordable cost and flexible timings. Even, for the quick services, they can select the nearest service providers.

2. Service Professionals’ Aspect

The service marketplace is the major opportunity platform for the service professionals where they get continuous job opportunities in their service stream.  Also, through this marketplace, they get more service offers at their own place, as well as according to the work they can fix up their service cost and work time for providing the services. 

3. Entrepreneurs’ Perspective

For entrepreneurs, it is one of the most favourable platform, as always there will be a demand and the need of the local service providers that can fulfill the chores of service seekers. Moreover, as one of the most tech-savvy business of 2016, it provides immense business opportunities for the entrepreneurs to earn well in this industry.


For becoming a part of this service marketplace, you just need a website. Through this website you can get the service providers and services seekers together on a same platform, where they can connect, and fulfill both necessity. This platform will get you a huge business opportunity and way to success. Simply Hire Website Developers India, and get the best business platform for your business.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Mindblowing Features of Joomla 3.5 version

The most awaited Joomla 3.5 version was launched with 34 new exciting and developer-friendly features, including big support for PHP 7 scripting language, which enhances website speed. In addition, the new version has come up with exciting changes, which has increased stability and enhance new user. The new version of Joomla 3.5 version has latest extension handlers & better user-management benefits, which make it the most awesome most awesome open-source content management system in comparison of all other older versions.

Features of Joomla 3.5 Version

1. Farewell For Few Components: The newest version is aimed to make Joomla’s core lighter & compact. In this version, the extensions such as com_contacts, com_newsfeed, com_banners,  com_search, com_redirect, com_finder, com_message, will not be available. However, these might be available on JED, even it was not available in Joomla 3.5 version.

2. Advanced Media Manager: In latest version Joomla 3.5 has a new Media Manager interface that redesigned with a cleaner & more automatic. It improved image editing tools and easier modifications on media data saves a lot of time of developers working on images.

3. Email Notifications for Updates: In Joomla 3.5 version, a systematic feature is added that provides proper email notifications for Joomla updates.

4. Improvements to Joomla Routing System: In this version, the has made various powerful improvements to Joomla’s routing system, which provides a huge relief from all URL related issues, as well as improved the rankings in search engine results.

5. Improvements to the Templating system: The latest version has come up with major improvements in the rendering system of the current jLayout. With this, the configuration of a Joomla template will become simple, as well as provide a platform to create unique and interesting templates.

Why you always need to Upgrade Joomla version?

At the launch of each upgrade version's of Joomla, a common question is asked by the users that Why they need to keep on updating their Joomla version often on its each release? This is because, Joomla is an open source CMS, and the support provide by the older versions are expired within certain a period of time. For example, Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 version support & security updates are already expired. Moreover, if your are still using the old version, the hackers can easily hack your Joomla website.


From Joomla each version release, the team is aimed towards providing extra security & more stability to the Joomla website. Although, the Joomla 3.5 version is a major change for the old version users, and migration data without the supervision of Joomla experts may cause loss of data. For safely migrating your data from older version to the new version, hire Joomla developers India. They have expertise in Joomla and are enough capable of transferring data.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Why You Should Choose WebMeIndia Magento Web Programmers For Your Project?

With the eCommerce industry ruling the global market, the demand for online websites & ecommerce website developers has also increased. Magento is the most popular and productive eCommerce development platform that is used by the developers globally. But, in order to get the best eCommerce platform, the business person needs to hire eCommerce Developers India. These knowledgeable and experienced Magento developers are highly talented, and can provide the customized solution according to the client's requirement. Among so many development firms out there, WebMeIndia is one of the liberal company that aim to provide cutting-edge technology and unique customized solutions to the client's and take the business to the highest level of success.

 WebMeIndia have a strong team of professionals having insight of the latest technology, and well-polished abilities for providing unmatched eCommerce solutions, including installation of Magento, designing, structuring, shipping module unit, plug-ins and much more as per the requirements of the clients. Here are the points which let you know why you should you hire Magento web developers from WebMeIndia.

1. Advanced Technical Proficiency

At WebMeIndia, Magento programmers have years of experience and proficiency in order to provide high quality services for client's as per their unique business demands. Moreover, they have excellent technical proficiency and always ready to cater the specific technical requirements of the clients.

2. Knowledge In Supporting Technologies

The Magento developers are specialized and skilled in PHP 4 and PHP 5. As well as they are well flair in technologies like JavaScript, jQuery, Prototype JS, Ext JS, etc., which are necessary for eCommerce development.

3. Exceptional User Interface Designers

When it comes to an eCommerce site, the user interface (UI) is one of the most crucial part. So,  WebMeIndia hired the top-level and exceptional UI designers, who directly connect with the Magento web developers, and design the best interactive UI for clients’ eCommerce website.

4. Regular Updates On Project Status

An online project management set-up is used in WebMeIndia, where the clients can open the panel and have overlook about the progress of the projects, as well as can share essential documents and their valuable opinions related to it.

5. Infrastructural Support

A superb Magento programmer will get engaged on clients' projects with physical and IT infrastructure. Moreover, our modern technology based setup is well-organized, which offer constant service and seamless communication.

Advantages of Hiring Magento Developers From  WebMeIndia

Considering the market demand, WebMeIndia offers the excellent tailored made eCommerce development services to the clients, according to their requirements. Here, you can create your own team, according to your project requirement, as well as guide them and monitor their progress on the project. The company aim is to provide industry best services by keeping the client's benefits on the topmost priority, and believe to meet timely the project deadlines.

Monday 30 May 2016

What To Expect From The Web Design & Development Process - WebMeIndia

As more and more businesses are switching towards websites, the business owners are looking for the most compelling and interactive websites for their businesses. They have become more curious about the web designing and development process. Here are some general steps that a business owner should expect from the website development process.

  • Research, Goals & Planning
  • Sitemaps
  • Wireframes
  • Design
  • Development

1. Research, Goals & Planning

Before developing a website, or redesign a website, the developer should have a clear goal about the website, and should completely understand the client's requirements and what all is necessary to include on a web site.

Initially, it is essential that you plan your website and set the goals. A proper planning will be helpful and profitable for your organization. But the major question arises that how will a website help in achieving this goal. The answer is: an eCommerce site that sells the products. But, many of the companies have a website, which is not closes a sale, as it just supports the sales process. So it is essential to think and  plan about what type of messages and content will help you to move a sale forward.

Although, the planning and research include developing, editing or organizing content. But, when it comes to research, it includes bigger branding work, where you need to examine competitors, consider target audiences, and brand positioning in the market. Before developing a website, just make sure why the visitors will come to your site, and what information they may look for.

2. Sitemap

The second important step is Sitemap. After gathering all the information regarding the goals, message, content and brand for the website, put all of them together in a sitemap. But, why a sitemap is essential? It is an organizational chart through which all the content on a website is organized, like a flowchart. Through a sitemap, you can plainly manage the organization information on the web, which can be easily understood by the visitors. Although, the visitors do not like the feeling of being confused and frustrated, so they always prefer a well-organized site, that have clear navigation, as well as logically organized content that is easy to explore.

3. Wireframes

Although, Sitemap can manage the information of the entire website. But, wireframes are used to organize information of one page, at a time. Just like blueprints, a wireframes defines the placement of content within a page. However, this can be an implied comparison because a blueprint is meant to be strictly followed, but wireframes are often more loosely created. Moreover, the wireframes show all the kind of content on a page. Although, all the types of content is important, but it may or may not show the actual position and size of items.

4. Design

Another essential step is Design. The web design should be selected on the basis of client's requirement. Depends upon the state of the brand identity, the web design should be selected. Whether, it's a new company website or redesigning of the existing client website, an innovative design will always help to get a strong brand identity and unique online presence.

5. Development

Once, the design gets approved from client side, the web development process gets started. If a website is based on Photoshop, it will be developed in HTML and CSS, or if it's more focused on content, it will be developed in WordPress. As WordPress has a Content Management System (CMS), it will help to build the sites with complete design control and user-friendly.


The above steps will help you to know the systematic web design and development process that one should follow at the time of making a website. Also, these steps will help you to get the customized design and development solution for your website. A large number of web design developers India are following these important steps to systematic their process and maximize their output. 

Tuesday 10 May 2016

5 Reasons to Hire Dedicated PHP Developers in India - WebMeIndia

When it comes to the business establishment, whether small or medium-sized, everyone wants to have a strong online presence, which is somehow the most important things for them. For this, it is really important that the businesses have a unique, informative and interesting website for their company online presence to attract a large number of clients.

PHP has become the most preferred language for the web development in the last few years. As it has potential to create the most unique web applications with different nature, it is the most preferred choices of business holders. Even, PHP is one of the dynamic virtual platforms that can solve complex business challenges, efficiently. It is the main reason by companies prefer to hire PHP developers India, as they are dedicated and enthusatic towards their work.

Here are the 5 main reasons which explain, why should you need to hire a dedicated PHP developer for your business:

1. Cost Efficiency

A budget plays an important role for any business establishment and development. That's why it is the most essential thing for the business owners, which make them to hire dedicated and talented PHP developers.

In comparison, hiring the website and PHP developers from offshore areas can reduce the development cost up to 75%, by hiring the developers from the western countries. When it comes to the quality of work, there will be no compromise as there are some of the finest website programmers in Asian countries, which have deep knowledge in PHP development and provides reliable services.

2. Flexibility

Flexibility is another reason that business owners consider while hiring a PHP developer. It provides ability to perform, as any task or project can be given to the dedicated PHP developer, and there is  no need to get a quote for each separate task. Although, time estimation is important, but there is no need to waste precious time for exchanging emails, and to discuss price quotes.

3. Easy to Hire

As there are a large number of efficient and dedicated PHP developers are available in the market, it is quite easy to find and hire the best among them. Also, there are a wide number of web development companies, which offer their web and PHP programmers to clients on weekly, hourly or monthly booking basis.

4. Dedicated Developer

In the current scenario, the clients are quite concerned about their money, which has increased the demand of quality work in the market. The web development companies know this very well, that's why they offer trustworthy, knowledgeable and dedicated web developers for hiring on flexible terms. Hiring such talented developer may result in a great benefit for creating an effective web presence on time and on budget.

5. Expertise

If we talk about the PHP development, it is not simple at all that anyone can do it. It requires a deep knowledge and skill in PHP language. Therefore, hiring a dedicated PHP developer in the organization fulfill the lack of expertise in PHP. With the necessary expertise and experience, a great PHP developer will make your web presence more productive, efficient and effective.


The above reasons will help you to select the best PHP developer for your business. If you are looking for outsourcing development services, you can Hire PHP Developers India, as they are skillful and experienced, and believe in developing the valuable business websites for the client's project.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Why Hire WebMeIndia As a Finest Web Development Company For Your Business Solution

World accepted web development company, WebMeIndia is providing a wide range of software development services to the global clients. When you explore the internet, you can find multiple web development service providers and agencies, but creating finest and bug free software is not a cakewalk. Highly qualified and experienced professionals at WebMeIndia can integrate multiple features on your website and make it more professional and demanding. If you are looking for a reputed web development company, then you should hire WebMeIndia, and get the ultimate software solution from them. Benefits of hiring WebMeIndia for your software development services:  


1. Quick development process: To cater world class software solutions, they utilize their innovative ideas and incorporate exclusive features to your website. Professionals at this esteemed organization ensure fast and reliable work process for your business success. 

2. Bug less services: When you avail the services of this organization, they first understand the vision and mission of your business, and accordingly cater error free product and services for you. All the products developed by this organization are tested and verified perfectly.

3. One Stop Solutions: Being a reputed web development company in India, WebMeIndia offers variety of services on multiple platforms. These platforms are: PHP, ASP.NET, WordPress, Joomla, SharePoint, Magento, Drupal and more. So, whatever your business need and preferences, they are able to provide customized services for your business.  

4. Prompt Maintenance and Support System: While availing the services of a WebMeIndia, they provide professional product for your business that can reach your business far from business contenders and industry challenges. Additionally, they believe in the long term relationship and  dedicated to offer round a clock maintenance and support services for your business needs  and develop a great bond with you. 

Benefits of Hiring professional web development companies?
When you are hiring a professional web development company like WebMeIndia, then you can anticipate the following benefits also:
  • Easy access of the website on multiple devices 
  • Customization of the browser on which the website will access 
  • Designing of a user oriented website that is easy to access 
  • Customization of the websites as per the needs of the clients 

When it comes to hiring a company with utmost talented and global certified web partners, then companies like WebMeIndia is one of the best choice for your business. So, share your software needs, and get desired results with finest perfection.  

Monday 21 March 2016

Custom Web Development Also Gives You The Opportunity To Grow Your Business

With many new businesses strapped for cash, many owners will resort to using a template website, instead of springing for custom web development. While a template website might work well to get you started, most businesses find that their growth is limited by this type of website and that while they may be getting plenty of attention to their website, they are seeing very few conversions. Why is this?

Because today's consumer can smell a template a mile away. That might not sound like a bad thing-until you understand what a generic website says about your business. When you have a generic website, your business looks generic. Most template website platforms provide very few real customization options, making it impossible for you to truly create a website that reflects your business's goals and message. Instead, what you are left with is a website that looks like every other garbage website on the internet.

Consumers are beginning to associate template website with low-quality and even scam businesses. These are not businesses that you want yours lumped in with. If, on the other hand, you invest in one of the many top web development companies, you will be getting a much more personalized website.

Using a template website is like buying a suit off the rack. It might fit alright, but it will never fit as well as a suit that is made specifically for you. Web development companies take a look at your needs and the overall message of your business and build a website that fits those needs exactly, instead of trying to force something that was not made specifically for you to perform a role it really is not equipped to play.

Custom web development also gives you the opportunity to create a website that is very adaptable. As your business grows, you will need to improve your website. Custom-built websites are also much better for search engine optimization (SEO friendly), as the code of your website is just as important as the text that your visitors actually see.

The developers in top web development companies know how to help you build a website that meets your needs, on a platform that makes it easy for you to manage, even if you are not very internet savvy, which is something a template website will never be able to offer you.

To know more about web development India and web development company India please visit the website.